21 research outputs found

    Tehnicaleconomic Aspects of Construction of sSmall Hydro Power Plants in the Energy Market Environment

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    emphasis on renewable energy sources and decentralized energy production, there is division of the traditional energy value chain into a increasing number of market segments. In these newly established market segments opportunities are created for new specialized players, which leads to competition in all phases of the value chain. Small hydropower plant also represent an essential renewable energy source. This article elaborate tehnical economics aspects of construction and operation of small hydropower plants in energy market environment. In this context, a concrete example is given of the mission and vision of the construction and operation of a small hydro power plants in energy market environment


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    A large number of energy companies in the world today a faced with global transformative trends which devastatingly affect their business results. Therefore, energy companies in the world were very slow in investing and adopting renewable energy sources and become significantly overcapacitated by coal and gas fired power plants which are now unprofitabile due to low marginal costs of renewables and their priority dispatching into a power system. Also increasing the share of renewable energy sources in the structure of electricity generation, the decline in primary energy prices (fossil fuels) the stagnation of consuption and the surplus of supply in relation to electricity demand caused a drop in wholesale electricity prices by half compared to 2008. Furthemore, the operation of coal fired power plants is burdened with carbon dioxide emissions. As a result, there has been a significant reduction in revenues, falling stock values andthe collapse of credit rating of many energy companies in the world. This article analyzes the implementation of the strategy of empowering customers and shaping markets that the E.ON Group has carried out as a „response“ to global transformative trends in the energy market environment by which the former company was divided into two less dynamic and more focused companies into a new or conventional energy world. This strengthens the competitiveness of all previous business activities due to stronger focus on the development of necessary skills and process. Furthemore, from on investor perspective it has been shown that the risk profiles associated with conventional energy production differ from those related to the new energy world, ie the activities covered by the business portfolio of the E.ON Group, and the activities covered by the business portfolio of the Uniper Group attract different types of investors

    Strategija osnaživanja korisnika i prilagodbe tržištima u proizvodnji električne energije

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    SAŽETAK Veliki broj svjetskih energetskih kompanija danas se u svom poslovnom okružju susreće sa globalnim transformacijskim trendovima koji razorno djeluju na rezultate njihova poslovanja. Naime, energetske kompanije u svijetu su bile vrlo spore u investiranju i usvajanju obnovljivih izvora energije te postale značajno prekapacitirane termoelektranama koje su sada neprofitabilne zbog niskih varijabilnih troškova obnovljivih izvora energije i njihova prioritetnog dispečiranja u elektroenergetski sustav. Također, povećanje udjela obnovljivih izvora energije u strukturi proizvodnje električne energije, pad cijena primarnih energenata (fosilna goriva), stagnacija potrošnje te višak ponude u odnosu na potražnju električne energije uzrokovali su pad veleprodajnih cijena električne energije na pola u odnosu na 2008.g. Nadalje, poslovanje termoelektrana je opterećeno naknadama za emisije ugljičnog dioksida. Kao rezultat došlo je do značajnog smanjenja prihoda, pada vrijednosti dionica i urušavanja kreditnog rejtinga mnogih energetskih kompanija u svijetu. Hrvatska elektroprivreda je također sve više izložena utjecaju globalnih transformacijskih trendova u okružju energetskih tržišta, dodatno i zbog regulatornog okvira Europske Unije u kojem posluje. U ovom završnom radu se analizira implementacija strategije osnaživanja korisnika i prilagodbe tržištima koju je provela E.ON Grupa kao „odgovor“ na globalne transformacijske trendove u okružju energetskih tržišta, kojom se dotadašnja tvrtka razdvojila na dvije manje dinamične i više fokusirane tvrtke na „novi“ odnosno konvencionalni svijet energije. Time se postiže osnaživanje konkurentnosti svih dosadašnjih poslovnih aktivnosti zbog jačeg fokusiranja na razvoj nužnih sposobnosti i procesa. Nadalje, iz perspektive investitora se pokazalo, da se profili rizika vezanih za na konvencionalnu proizvodnju energije razlikuju se od onih vezanih na „novi“ svijet energije, odnosno aktivnosti obuhvaćene u poslovnom portfelju E.ON Grupe i aktivnosti obuhvaćene u poslovnom portfelju Uniper Grupe privlače različite tipove investitora. Nadalje, analizirane su performanse Hrvatske elektroprivrede u kontekstu globalnih transformacijskih trendova te u kontekstu „novog“ i konvencionalnog svijeta energije. Slijedom navedenog u završnom radu su prezentirane i moguće opcije razvoja Hrvatske elektroprivrede, temeljene na strategiji osnaživanja kupaca, oblikovanja tržišta i prilagodbi globalnim transformacijskim trendovima.SUMMARY A large number of energy companies in the world today a faced with global transformative trends which devastatingly affect their business results. Therefore, energy companies in the world were very slow in investing and adopting renewable energy sources and become significantly overcapacitated by coal and gas fired power plants which are now unprofitabile due to low marginal costs of renewables and their priority dispatching into a power system. Also increasing the share of renewable energy sources in the structure of electricity generation, the decline in primary energy prices (fossil fuels) the stagnation of consuption and the surplus of supply in relation to electricity demand caused a drop in wholesale electricity prices by half compared to 2008. Furthemore, the operation of coal fired power plants is burdened with carbon dioxide emissions. As a result, there has been a significant reduction in revenues, falling stock values andthe collapse of credit rating of many energy companies in the world. Croatian National Electricity is also increasingly exposed to the impact of global transformative trends in energy market environment, in addition to the regulatory framework of the European union in which it operates. This final paper analyzes the implementation of the strategy of empowering customers and shaping markets that the E.ON Group has carried out as a „response“ to global transformative trends in the energy market environment by which the former company was divided into two less dynamic and more focused companies into a new or conventional energy world. This strengthens the competitiveness of all previous business activities due to stronger focus on the development of necessary skills and process. Furthemore, from on investor perspective it has been shown that the risk profiles associated with conventional energy production differ from those related to the „new“ energy world, ie the activities covered by the business portfolio of the E.ON Group, and the activities covered by the business portfolio of the Uniper Group attract different types of investors. Furthemore, Croatian National Electricity performance was analyzed in the context of global transformative trends and in the context of the „new“ and conventional energy world. Finally, the Croatian National Electricity possible development options based on the customer empowerment strategy and shaping markets are presented

    Strategija osnaživanja korisnika i prilagodbe tržištima u proizvodnji električne energije

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    SAŽETAK Veliki broj svjetskih energetskih kompanija danas se u svom poslovnom okružju susreće sa globalnim transformacijskim trendovima koji razorno djeluju na rezultate njihova poslovanja. Naime, energetske kompanije u svijetu su bile vrlo spore u investiranju i usvajanju obnovljivih izvora energije te postale značajno prekapacitirane termoelektranama koje su sada neprofitabilne zbog niskih varijabilnih troškova obnovljivih izvora energije i njihova prioritetnog dispečiranja u elektroenergetski sustav. Također, povećanje udjela obnovljivih izvora energije u strukturi proizvodnje električne energije, pad cijena primarnih energenata (fosilna goriva), stagnacija potrošnje te višak ponude u odnosu na potražnju električne energije uzrokovali su pad veleprodajnih cijena električne energije na pola u odnosu na 2008.g. Nadalje, poslovanje termoelektrana je opterećeno naknadama za emisije ugljičnog dioksida. Kao rezultat došlo je do značajnog smanjenja prihoda, pada vrijednosti dionica i urušavanja kreditnog rejtinga mnogih energetskih kompanija u svijetu. Hrvatska elektroprivreda je također sve više izložena utjecaju globalnih transformacijskih trendova u okružju energetskih tržišta, dodatno i zbog regulatornog okvira Europske Unije u kojem posluje. U ovom završnom radu se analizira implementacija strategije osnaživanja korisnika i prilagodbe tržištima koju je provela E.ON Grupa kao „odgovor“ na globalne transformacijske trendove u okružju energetskih tržišta, kojom se dotadašnja tvrtka razdvojila na dvije manje dinamične i više fokusirane tvrtke na „novi“ odnosno konvencionalni svijet energije. Time se postiže osnaživanje konkurentnosti svih dosadašnjih poslovnih aktivnosti zbog jačeg fokusiranja na razvoj nužnih sposobnosti i procesa. Nadalje, iz perspektive investitora se pokazalo, da se profili rizika vezanih za na konvencionalnu proizvodnju energije razlikuju se od onih vezanih na „novi“ svijet energije, odnosno aktivnosti obuhvaćene u poslovnom portfelju E.ON Grupe i aktivnosti obuhvaćene u poslovnom portfelju Uniper Grupe privlače različite tipove investitora. Nadalje, analizirane su performanse Hrvatske elektroprivrede u kontekstu globalnih transformacijskih trendova te u kontekstu „novog“ i konvencionalnog svijeta energije. Slijedom navedenog u završnom radu su prezentirane i moguće opcije razvoja Hrvatske elektroprivrede, temeljene na strategiji osnaživanja kupaca, oblikovanja tržišta i prilagodbi globalnim transformacijskim trendovima.SUMMARY A large number of energy companies in the world today a faced with global transformative trends which devastatingly affect their business results. Therefore, energy companies in the world were very slow in investing and adopting renewable energy sources and become significantly overcapacitated by coal and gas fired power plants which are now unprofitabile due to low marginal costs of renewables and their priority dispatching into a power system. Also increasing the share of renewable energy sources in the structure of electricity generation, the decline in primary energy prices (fossil fuels) the stagnation of consuption and the surplus of supply in relation to electricity demand caused a drop in wholesale electricity prices by half compared to 2008. Furthemore, the operation of coal fired power plants is burdened with carbon dioxide emissions. As a result, there has been a significant reduction in revenues, falling stock values andthe collapse of credit rating of many energy companies in the world. Croatian National Electricity is also increasingly exposed to the impact of global transformative trends in energy market environment, in addition to the regulatory framework of the European union in which it operates. This final paper analyzes the implementation of the strategy of empowering customers and shaping markets that the E.ON Group has carried out as a „response“ to global transformative trends in the energy market environment by which the former company was divided into two less dynamic and more focused companies into a new or conventional energy world. This strengthens the competitiveness of all previous business activities due to stronger focus on the development of necessary skills and process. Furthemore, from on investor perspective it has been shown that the risk profiles associated with conventional energy production differ from those related to the „new“ energy world, ie the activities covered by the business portfolio of the E.ON Group, and the activities covered by the business portfolio of the Uniper Group attract different types of investors. Furthemore, Croatian National Electricity performance was analyzed in the context of global transformative trends and in the context of the „new“ and conventional energy world. Finally, the Croatian National Electricity possible development options based on the customer empowerment strategy and shaping markets are presented

    Strategija osnaživanja korisnika i prilagodbe tržištima u proizvodnji električne energije

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    SAŽETAK Veliki broj svjetskih energetskih kompanija danas se u svom poslovnom okružju susreće sa globalnim transformacijskim trendovima koji razorno djeluju na rezultate njihova poslovanja. Naime, energetske kompanije u svijetu su bile vrlo spore u investiranju i usvajanju obnovljivih izvora energije te postale značajno prekapacitirane termoelektranama koje su sada neprofitabilne zbog niskih varijabilnih troškova obnovljivih izvora energije i njihova prioritetnog dispečiranja u elektroenergetski sustav. Također, povećanje udjela obnovljivih izvora energije u strukturi proizvodnje električne energije, pad cijena primarnih energenata (fosilna goriva), stagnacija potrošnje te višak ponude u odnosu na potražnju električne energije uzrokovali su pad veleprodajnih cijena električne energije na pola u odnosu na 2008.g. Nadalje, poslovanje termoelektrana je opterećeno naknadama za emisije ugljičnog dioksida. Kao rezultat došlo je do značajnog smanjenja prihoda, pada vrijednosti dionica i urušavanja kreditnog rejtinga mnogih energetskih kompanija u svijetu. Hrvatska elektroprivreda je također sve više izložena utjecaju globalnih transformacijskih trendova u okružju energetskih tržišta, dodatno i zbog regulatornog okvira Europske Unije u kojem posluje. U ovom završnom radu se analizira implementacija strategije osnaživanja korisnika i prilagodbe tržištima koju je provela E.ON Grupa kao „odgovor“ na globalne transformacijske trendove u okružju energetskih tržišta, kojom se dotadašnja tvrtka razdvojila na dvije manje dinamične i više fokusirane tvrtke na „novi“ odnosno konvencionalni svijet energije. Time se postiže osnaživanje konkurentnosti svih dosadašnjih poslovnih aktivnosti zbog jačeg fokusiranja na razvoj nužnih sposobnosti i procesa. Nadalje, iz perspektive investitora se pokazalo, da se profili rizika vezanih za na konvencionalnu proizvodnju energije razlikuju se od onih vezanih na „novi“ svijet energije, odnosno aktivnosti obuhvaćene u poslovnom portfelju E.ON Grupe i aktivnosti obuhvaćene u poslovnom portfelju Uniper Grupe privlače različite tipove investitora. Nadalje, analizirane su performanse Hrvatske elektroprivrede u kontekstu globalnih transformacijskih trendova te u kontekstu „novog“ i konvencionalnog svijeta energije. Slijedom navedenog u završnom radu su prezentirane i moguće opcije razvoja Hrvatske elektroprivrede, temeljene na strategiji osnaživanja kupaca, oblikovanja tržišta i prilagodbi globalnim transformacijskim trendovima.SUMMARY A large number of energy companies in the world today a faced with global transformative trends which devastatingly affect their business results. Therefore, energy companies in the world were very slow in investing and adopting renewable energy sources and become significantly overcapacitated by coal and gas fired power plants which are now unprofitabile due to low marginal costs of renewables and their priority dispatching into a power system. Also increasing the share of renewable energy sources in the structure of electricity generation, the decline in primary energy prices (fossil fuels) the stagnation of consuption and the surplus of supply in relation to electricity demand caused a drop in wholesale electricity prices by half compared to 2008. Furthemore, the operation of coal fired power plants is burdened with carbon dioxide emissions. As a result, there has been a significant reduction in revenues, falling stock values andthe collapse of credit rating of many energy companies in the world. Croatian National Electricity is also increasingly exposed to the impact of global transformative trends in energy market environment, in addition to the regulatory framework of the European union in which it operates. This final paper analyzes the implementation of the strategy of empowering customers and shaping markets that the E.ON Group has carried out as a „response“ to global transformative trends in the energy market environment by which the former company was divided into two less dynamic and more focused companies into a new or conventional energy world. This strengthens the competitiveness of all previous business activities due to stronger focus on the development of necessary skills and process. Furthemore, from on investor perspective it has been shown that the risk profiles associated with conventional energy production differ from those related to the „new“ energy world, ie the activities covered by the business portfolio of the E.ON Group, and the activities covered by the business portfolio of the Uniper Group attract different types of investors. Furthemore, Croatian National Electricity performance was analyzed in the context of global transformative trends and in the context of the „new“ and conventional energy world. Finally, the Croatian National Electricity possible development options based on the customer empowerment strategy and shaping markets are presented

    Influence of Purging Gas on 316L Stainless Steel Fusion Zone in Autogenous Stationary TIG Welding

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    This research reveals the influence of different purging conditions on the fusion zone dimensions and shape for stationary autogenous TIG welding of 316L stainless steel. Welding experiments were performed for unpurged and purged weld root side for 7, 14 and 21 second arcing time. Purging was executed with ten seconds of pre-flow and 23 seconds of post-flow with 10 l/min Ar and 4 l/min of He. Characteristic fusion zone dimensions were extracted and calculated from photo-macrographs of weld cross-sections. Purging the weld root side by argon increased penetration depth and cross-section area compared to helium. Those benefits of argon purging can be attributed to its low thermal conductivity. Measurement of thermal cycles on the weld root side revealed that peak temperatures were higher by argon purging compared to the presence of helium or air. The fusion zone width exhibited no significant differences regardless of weld root side gas type

    Value Preferences of Croatian Citizens as Determinants of Materialism

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    Temeljni ciljevi ovog rada jesu: ispitati faktorsku strukturu skale materijalizma, razinu usmjerenosti građana Hrvatske prema materijalizmu, utvrditi hijerarhiju vrijednosti i objasniti povezanost vrijednosti i materijalizma uz kontrolu sociodemografskih obilježja. Istraživanje je provedeno na reprezentativnom uzorku punoljetnoga stanovništva (N =1004). Za mjerenje materijalizma upotrijebljena je kratka verzija skale materijalizma (The Material Values Scale, Richins, 2004), a za mjerenje vrijednosti skraćeni Upitnik osobnih vrednota, PVQ; Schwartz i sur., 2001). Građanima uglavnom nije važno posjedovanje i stjecanje materijalnog u smislu glavne preokupacije u životu (centralnost) te ne procjenjuju da posjedovanje i stjecanje dobara stvara doživljaj sreće (sreća u posjedovanju). Rezultati nadalje pokazuju da se najveća važnost pridaje tradiciji, univerzalizmu i dobrohotnosti, dok se najmanja važnost pridaje poticaju i moći. Što se tiče temeljnih vrijednosti kao mogućih odrednica dimenzija materijalizma, pokazalo se da sa deset vrijednosnih tipova uz kontrolu sociodemografskih obilježja možemo objasniti 16% ukupne varijance sreće u posjedovanju, kao prve izmjerene dimenzije materijalizma, te 39% ukupne varijance centralnosti, kao druge dimenzije materijalizma.The aim of this study is to check the factor structure of The Material Values Scale, examine the orientation of Croatian residents towards materialism, examine their basic human value hierarchy, and to identify and explain the relationship between values and materialism with control of sociodemographic characteristics. The survey was carried out on a representative sample of 1004 adult Croatian residents. The short version of The Material Values Scale (MVS) (Richins, 2004) was applied for the materialism examination and the short version of the Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ) (Schwartz et al., 2001) was applied for the value examination. The results show that possession and acquisition of goods are mainly not important for Croatian residents in terms of the main preoccupation in life, and, on average, they do not believe that consumption leads to happiness. Croatian residents attribute more importance to tradition, universalism and benevolence and less to stimulation and power. In terms of the relationship between values and materialism, it turned out that ten value types with control of socio-demographic characteristics explain 16% of the total variance of happiness, as a first measured dimension of materialism, and 39% of the total variance of centrality as a second dimension of materialism

    Tc-99m-MDP scintimammography in the diagnostics of primary breast cancer

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    Cilj ove studije je istražiti međusobni odnos scintimamografije s Tc-99m-MDP prije kirurškog zahvata i histopatoloških nalaza nakon kirurškog zahvata u 32 žene sa suspektnim promjenama u dojkama. Rađena je anteriorna i dvije lateralne projekcije dojki 10 minuta nakon intravenozne aplikacije 740 MBq Tc-99m-MDP. Scintimamogrami su ocijenjeni kao patološki ukoliko je nađena povećana akumulacija aktivnosti. U 10 ispitanica nalaz scintimamografije je uredan, a patološki nalaz je nađen u 22 ispitanice. Histopatološki nalazi ukazuju na benignu leziju u 7 ispitanica, a u 25 je pronađen karcinom dojke. U 4 ispitanice povećana akumulacija Tc-99m-MDP je nađena u benignim lezijama. Jasno-pozitivan nalaz nađen je u 18, jasno-negativan u 4, lažno-pozitivan u 3, a lažno-negativan u 7 ispitanica. Ukupna senzitivnost iznosila je 85%, specifičnost 64%, pozitivna prediktivna vrijednsot 82%, a negativna prediktivna vrijednost 70%. Zaključno, na izvjestan način, naši rezultati su razočaravajući i smatramo da scintimamografija ne može sa sigurnošću razlikovati suspektne promjene u dojkama.The aim of the present study was to investigate the interrelationship of presurgical Tc-99m-MDP scintimammography and post-surgical histopathological findings in 32 women with suspicious breast lesions. Anterior and lateral views of the breasts were acquired 10 min after i.v. injection of 740 MBq of Tc-99m-MDP. Scintimammograms were judged pathological if any increased accumulation of activity was found. Scintimammogrphy was normal in 10 patients and pathological in 22 patients. Histopathological findings revealed benign lesions in 7 patients and breast carcinoma in 25 patients. In 4 patients the uptake of Tc-99m-MDP was found in benign lesions. In total, there were 18 true positive findings, 4 true negative, 3 false positive and 7 false negative ones. Overall sensitivity of the scintimammography was 85%, specificity was 64%, positive predictive value was 82% and negative predictive value was 70%. In conclusion, our results are somewhat disappointing; scintimammography alone does not discriminate breast lesions accurately

    Tc-99m-MDP scintimammography in the diagnostics of primary breast cancer

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    Cilj ove studije je istražiti međusobni odnos scintimamografije s Tc-99m-MDP prije kirurškog zahvata i histopatoloških nalaza nakon kirurškog zahvata u 32 žene sa suspektnim promjenama u dojkama. Rađena je anteriorna i dvije lateralne projekcije dojki 10 minuta nakon intravenozne aplikacije 740 MBq Tc-99m-MDP. Scintimamogrami su ocijenjeni kao patološki ukoliko je nađena povećana akumulacija aktivnosti. U 10 ispitanica nalaz scintimamografije je uredan, a patološki nalaz je nađen u 22 ispitanice. Histopatološki nalazi ukazuju na benignu leziju u 7 ispitanica, a u 25 je pronađen karcinom dojke. U 4 ispitanice povećana akumulacija Tc-99m-MDP je nađena u benignim lezijama. Jasno-pozitivan nalaz nađen je u 18, jasno-negativan u 4, lažno-pozitivan u 3, a lažno-negativan u 7 ispitanica. Ukupna senzitivnost iznosila je 85%, specifičnost 64%, pozitivna prediktivna vrijednsot 82%, a negativna prediktivna vrijednost 70%. Zaključno, na izvjestan način, naši rezultati su razočaravajući i smatramo da scintimamografija ne može sa sigurnošću razlikovati suspektne promjene u dojkama.The aim of the present study was to investigate the interrelationship of presurgical Tc-99m-MDP scintimammography and post-surgical histopathological findings in 32 women with suspicious breast lesions. Anterior and lateral views of the breasts were acquired 10 min after i.v. injection of 740 MBq of Tc-99m-MDP. Scintimammograms were judged pathological if any increased accumulation of activity was found. Scintimammogrphy was normal in 10 patients and pathological in 22 patients. Histopathological findings revealed benign lesions in 7 patients and breast carcinoma in 25 patients. In 4 patients the uptake of Tc-99m-MDP was found in benign lesions. In total, there were 18 true positive findings, 4 true negative, 3 false positive and 7 false negative ones. Overall sensitivity of the scintimammography was 85%, specificity was 64%, positive predictive value was 82% and negative predictive value was 70%. In conclusion, our results are somewhat disappointing; scintimammography alone does not discriminate breast lesions accurately